View and Approve Timecards

View and Approve Timecards

Manage > Tasks

Once you click the View and Approve Time Cards from the Manage screen link, the summary will display a graphical breakdown of all paid earnings, employee verification statuses and unpaid earnings for your employees. If you have employees in different pay periods you can select the drop-down in the right corner to change the pay period you are viewing.

All details from the graphs above are listed underneath with a place for you to review and verify.

• To verify, select the checkbox on the far-right side of the screen. You can also select the approve button at the bottom if you wish to approve all Time Cards at once. Note: If an employee has outstanding critical Time Card errors, such as missing punches, it will not allow you to verify their time.

If you’d like to review an individual employee’s time, select their name from the list and the Time Card data will populate.


You can use the Approve button on the left side of the screen to approve once you have completed the review of their Time Card. Once approved it will date and time stamp your approval 

Once you have verified the time, you can choose the I’m Done link at the bottom of the Time Card to be brought back to the Manage > Tasks screen. Note: The system will not allow you to verify the Time Card if there are outstanding high or critical alerts pending your review and correction. Example: Missing Punch

Time Card Review

A breakdown of the Earnings, Labor, Adjustments (mileage, bonus or reimbursements) as well as a summary of alerts are located on the left-hand side of the screen. The default view of the Time Card is a spreadsheet view with expansion options. You can select the > icon next to the date to expand the details. When expanded, you can see actual punch times, total hours, and errors.

Editing Records

To edit an existing record, expand the date choose the > icon in the lower right-hand corner and then choose the icon and you will have an option to Edit or Delete.

When you select the Edit option, you will be prompted with an Edit Punch screen letting you choose which punch you are editing.

  1. Select the punch you are wishing to edit and choose Next
  2. Make any adjustments you see fit
  3. Choose Save

Adding Records > Hours

To add a new record to the employee Time Card, choose the Create New button in the top right-hand corner of the Time Card. You will be prompted to choose what type of record you are adding; Punch, Hour, Adjustment or Absence. 

Once you have selected Hour in the create new record screen choose Next to fill out the hour details.

  1. Enter the Start Date.
  2. Enter the Start Time.
  3. Enter the End Date.
  4. Enter the End Time.
  5. The Duration will auto populate based on the start and end time.
  6. Type allows you to specify if the hour type is Normal, Meal, and Break.
  7. If Notes are entered, anyone looking at the Time Card will be able to view the details.
  8. If the option to enter labor allocations is enabled, you will select from the allowed labor levels when creating a punch. If no labor is selected, isolved will use your default labor allocation
  9. Choose Save and the hour record will be added to the employee Time Card.

Adding Records > Punches

Once you have selected Punch in the create new record screen choose Next to fill out the punch details.

  1. Select the Punch Date.
  2. Enter the Punch Time.
  3. Type: allows you to specify the punch type for the entry. The options are Normal, Meal, and Break.
  4. Mode: allows you to specify if the punch is an IN, OUT, AUTO, or TRANSFER a. IN means you are creating a punch in and is typically used when you the punch you are creating is the first in for the day or coming back from a break or meal b. OUT means you are clocking out and is typically used when you the punch you are creating is for when the employee is leaving for the day or leaving for break or meal c. AUTO allows the system to determine d. TRANSFER is used to move from one labor value to another without having to create multiple punches. When using the transfer option isolved will create 2 punches; one clocking the employee out of their current labor and one clocking them into the labor transferred to.
  5. Labor: If the option to enter labor allocations is enabled, you will select from the allowed labor levels when creating a punch. If no labor is selected, isolved will use your default labor allocation.
  6. If Notes are entered, anyone looking at the Time Card will be able to view the details.
  7. Choose Save and the punch record will be added to the employee Time Card.

Adding Records > Adjustments

Once you have selected Adjustments in the create new record screen choose Next to fill out the details.
Adjustments are typically used (if enabled by your company) to enter mileage, bonus or reimbursements. 

  1. Enter the Punch Date.
  2. Select the type of Adjustment.
  3. Choose whether you are enter this adjustment as Hours or Dollars (there may only be 1 option based on your company setup).
  4. Enter the Amount.
  5. If Notes are entered, anyone looking at the Time Card will be able to view the details.
  6. Labor: If the option to enter labor allocations is enabled, you will select from the allowed labor levels when creating a punch. If no labor is selected, isolved will use your default labor allocation
  7. Choose Save and the adjustment record will be added to the employee Time Card.

Adding Records > Absences

Once you have selected Absence in the create new record screen choose Next to fill out the details.

  1. Select the Absence Policy.
  2. Enter the Date for the absence.
  3. Enter the Hours amount being taken.
  4. Choose the Start Time for the absence.
  5. If the absence is tied to an accrual plan, the Available Balance and Balance After Request will populate.
  6. If Notes are entered, anyone looking at the Time Card will be able to view the details.
  7. Choose Save and the absence will be added to the employee Time Card.

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