Manage Employees - The Basics

Manage Employees - The Basics

Accessing the Manage Employees functions

Using your same login that you view your own paystubs, W2's, timecard, and various other functions, if your employer has you setup as a Supervisor or Manager, you can also access certain aspects of those that you directly manage or supervise.  This could include helping with time card functions, managing missed punches, approving or rejecting time off requests.  Each employer can choose what access Supervisor and Manager users each have in regards to their employees.

The Menu

Accessing from your desktop, laptop or tablet will look similar to the below screenshot.  You can click on 1) "Manage" menu item or 2) Specific task(s) under the "Manage" tile.  For the majority of the screenshots included here, it will be the desktop view however the same menus, tiles and functionality exist no matter the device you are on.

From Mobile



Clicking on the "Task" Menu item will bring up the following options.

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